
To Book Navy Seal you can get in touch with any of the following people:

Masimba "Navy Seal" Sigauke -  
+263 773 930 128

Michael "Mcpotar" Mupotaringa
+263 774 448619

Navy Seal is open to perform at any gigs, shows and events, depending on the nature of the event he may or may not charge to appear. If there are gate takings he will expect money in return. He has performed in many places, including The G-Records Album Launch, Party yatanga Show and Power FM Stand at 2013 Agricultural Show in Harare, Zim Hip-hop Awards Launch Party 2013.
He has potential to move crowds with his live performance and his songs are widely responded to by the crowd for they catchy hooks. Below is a video of a performance he did at the Agricultural show.

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